About Paige Campbell

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My Passion

I became a counselor because I want to help people find their way and their voice through life’s various challenges. I believe we all have the capacity to grow and pursue a life with meaning, for ourselves and within our circle of support. I see each counseling relationship as unique and I use an integrative style to help my clients. Compassion, honesty, and humor all factor into my approach in helping you discover (or remember) your resilience and strength.

My Process

I most often use an integrative approach when working with individuals to allow me to address each person and their unique challenges with the most personalized process for therapy. In my 15 years of work with individuals living with chronic or terminal illness, I have found that helping guide them to mindfulness work helps promote stillness and peace and clarity. I have also found that understanding the roots of emotional suffering (problematic patterns and/or relationships) creates many "aha!" moments in sessions with individuals. 

Let's work together

In 15 years of work as a clinical oncology social worker, I routinely help individuals cope with challenges, uncertainty, and life's limitations. Life sometimes feels fragile and achingly brief. I help people learn how to adapt and grow in response to their challenges. If you are in need of support while living with cancer, chronic illness, or processing grief and loss, I am here to offer guidance and compassion on your journey towards healing and resilience.

Learn about my practice

At Third Act Counseling, I understand the profound challenges that individuals living with cancer, chronic illness, and grief face every day. My holistic approach acknowledges the emotional, mental, and physical impact of these conditions and offers comprehensive support to address every aspect of your health and well-being. Whether you are facing a life-altering cancer diagnosis, living with chronic or terminal illness, or the profound impact of losing a loved one, you need a safe space to express your emotions, share your fears, and face uncertainty. Healing starts here.

My Mission

Living with a serious illness can be scary, even terrifying. You might feel isolated and alone, even with loved ones surrounding you. You feel helpless and sometimes they do as well. Who understands? Who is willing to stand in those hard places with you? So often, even our best intentions as loved ones fall short. My professional mission grows out of years of work holding space for people in crisis to vent, cry, laugh, swear - whatever they needed. I want everyone I work with in their most vulnerable medical and emotional moments to feel seen and heard and validated so they can shift focus back to living a life with meaning and purpose.


  • Association of Oncology Social Work
  • National Association of Social Workers
  • Clinical Social Work Association 

Let's work together on your journey.

My Values


Compassion allows me to meet you where you are, without judgment, and build a therapeutic alliance to help you heal. Compassion will be a key component in your healing process. It contributes to the therapeutic relationship, allowing you to feel seen and heard, which can be transformative in itself. Feeling cared for and understood can facilitate emotional healing and growth.


Honesty is the foundation of trust. Honest communication helps set clear expectations for the therapeutic relationship so that we can openly discuss the goals, limitations, and boundaries of therapy. Also, as therapy often involves discussing challenging and sensitive topics, honesty helps create a safe space for you to explore and process difficult emotions and experiences.


Humor can help us establish a positive and comfortable rapport. Therapy often involves discussing challenging or sensitive topics. Humor can act as a natural tension reliever, providing a brief respite and helping you feel more at ease when addressing difficult issues. Laughter is known to have physiological and psychological benefits, including stress reduction, and can also be a valuable tool for promoting resilience.

Reach out to me today!

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